After several years at an insurance agency in processing/client relations/inside sales (doing the job of 3 and getting paid for 1), I decided to call it quits to become a full-time wife and mom of 2 young children.I knew staying at home all day was not going to fulfill my need for adult conversation and interaction so I became a full-time volunteer coordinator at my children’s elementary school.
The beauty industry came into my life as a result of my endless search to find skin care that could solve the adult acne I experienced in my mid-twenties as a result of stress from my former job. I reluctantly went to a party my sister hosted and was skeptical that anything could help. After giving the regimen a try for 6 weeks, I began to see great improvement and was ‘hooked’ for life.It was this simple beginning that would take me on a journey that I never thought or imagined. After deciding to join the company, I was given the opportunity to go to a workshop taught by an international makeup artist to learn how to apply makeup on my own face. To watch the transformation in the mirror as the day went on was inspiring to me. The makeup artist complimented my choices and mentioned that I 'had an eye' for color. He thought this may be a great avenue for me to explore....and so the story begins.
As a result of the continuous self-improvement (school is never out for the pro), I am constantly stretching my comfort zone with body-building competition and television makeup, have written several articles for an on-line publication and served as president on the board of a non-profit 501c3 charity, All Things Possible Medical Fundraising.I am constantly amazed at the work God is doing through my life with the gifts and talents I’ve been given in order to serve others in a positive and powerful way!